Monday, April 15, 2013

TEA time

This year we began carrying Tea brand clothing and have fallen in love with its exotic fabrics and reasonable price point. After doing a little digging and learning more about the company, the love has grown even deeper.  The company was founded in 2002 by two moms, Emily Meyer and Leigh Rawden who connected over their love of travel. They developed the Tea brand as a method of inspiration for adventure.

“Tea brings worldwide cultures and modern design to children's fashion.Twice each year we pack our bags, travel the globe, explore and discover, and then bring it all home in original designs that express the spirit of our adventures abroad.”
The reason behind the name Tea is to celebrate a drink that is shared
in almost every place around the world.
Practices surrounding the consumption of the drink may vary,
but in most cultures, sharing a cup of soothing tea is a celebrated experience,
 creating a warm connection between people.

Through their clothing, these moms want to share their travels
and inspire creativity through their use of bold exotic textiles, and cheerful designs.
 We love this line and we love the message behind it.
You can’t beat its price points or the feeling it brings when you see your child in
bright happy clothing.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Valentine's Day

Love is in the air at University Village as Valentine’s Day approaches. The holiday celebrates a saint who risked his life to demonstrate that love was a greater force than fear.

Saint Valentine's story began in roughly 270 CE when the Roman Empire  celebrated its
far reaching power. The army of Rome was composed of the toughest,
strongest, deadliest men that could be found.
These soldiers weren’t allowed to marry because the Empire believed marriage made men soft.

Valentine couldn’t believe that in a world filled with so much anger and violence, these men were not permitted to have just one aspect of beauty in their lives.
So, with the threat of imprisonment and possibly even death, he performed forbidden marriage ceremonies for the brave soldiers.

He even cut hearts out of parchment paper for the soldiers to take to battle to remind them of the love they had and to fight not just to stay alive but to remain victorious for the sake of love.

Whether it’s your spouse or your child, take a moment this Valentines Day to show them how much their love means to you.

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Art of Diapering

To reuse or not to reuse? That is the question that every parent struggles with when the time comes to diaper.
Reusable diapers are always associated with image of drippy, smelly, stained, pinned together nappies that our grandparents used for the free love generation of babies.
But reusable diapers have come so far!

I will even admit that when I first started at Kids Club and was being trained on the diapers we carried I didn’t realize until I opened one that it was a reusable diaper.

We carry the BumGenius line;
no pins, cute colored diaper covers, and they are just so soft and plush.

When expecting parents come in they usually stick to questions about strollers and car seats, but just recently a couple came in full of questions, some of which being about the differences between disposable and reusable diapers.

So I did some research and I discovered some mind boggling statistics between these two products:
Disposable diapers may be convenient, but produce roughly 1 ton of landfill per day (

A 1999 study reported on by National Geographic tested the chemicals used in disposable diapers on lab rats, and concluded that these chemicals cause asthma like symptoms; and could trigger or worsen existing asthma symptoms in infants.
In addition to health risks, families have reported an average savings of $2,500 per child when using cloth diapers versus disposable.

Reusable diapers also aid in quicker potty training because children can recognize when they are wet quicker than children who use disposable diapers.
Moreover cloth diapers do not cause diaper rash!
They are more comfortable and gentler on babies skin than their plastic counterpart.

Although there is a little more “gross” factor when using cloth diapers, there are so many benefits, the choice is simple.

They are less expensive in the long run, more comfortable for your child, environmentally friendly, and help with potty training; plus they now make flusahble liners to minimize mess!

Come check out the award winning BumGenius brand at Kid’s Club!