Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New party games from Gamewright!

My friends and I have a weekly tradition of getting together, having dinner, and playing games. Last, Sunday I brought over two new 12+ party games from Gamewright, and they were a big hit: JOE NAME IT, not your average party game, and WHO WOULD WIN, the ultimate celebrity showdown. The boxes are very small, maybe 4"x4"x2", so they are easy to throw in a purse or messenger bag for traveling. I'm planning on bringing them camping this summer.

JOE NAME IT is a fun twist on classic trivia party games. Flip a card, roll the die, input number in the blank. See photo on left. If the top of the card says 'ANY JOE,' everyone gets a chance, the first person who answers correctly wins. If the card says 'JUST JOE,' only the player whos turn it is gets to play. No possible correct answer? Shout out 'NO JOE!' to win the card. If a correct answer isn't giving within a reasonable amount of time, Joe wins the card. The first player, including Joe, to win 10 cards is the WINNER!

Name a word with 2 vowel(s).

Easy, Great, Vowel


WHO WOULD WIN was the favorite of the evening. Probably, because my group of friends is very opinionated and like to debate. This is also, by far, the more original and unique of the two games. Players take turns flipping over a character card, choosing an opponent, they flip over a character card, and the debate begins. We, of course modified the rules to fit our own group arguing style, if you have a more civilized group of friends you can follow the instructions and use the timed debate rule: 20 seconds each, with a 5 second rebuttal. We just yelled across the table until we felt we had made our point. The rest of the players then get to vote on who they feel is the winner. The winning player keeps the event card. First player to collect 5 event cards wins.

Who would win in a dog training competition between Lance Armstrong and Bruce Lee?


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