Love is in the air at University Village as Valentine’s Day approaches. The holiday celebrates a saint who risked his life to demonstrate that love was a greater force than fear.
Saint Valentine's story began in roughly 270 CE when the Roman Empire celebrated its
far reaching power. The army of Rome was composed of the toughest,
strongest, deadliest men that could be found.
These soldiers weren’t allowed to marry because the Empire believed marriage made men soft.
Valentine couldn’t believe that in a world filled with so much anger and violence, these men were not permitted to have just one aspect of beauty in their lives.
So, with the threat of imprisonment and possibly even death, he performed forbidden marriage ceremonies for the brave soldiers.
He even cut hearts out of parchment paper for the soldiers to take to battle to remind them of the love they had and to fight not just to stay alive but to remain victorious for the sake of love.
Whether it’s your spouse or your child, take a moment this Valentines Day to show them how much their love means to you.